Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Life and Death

Today I am reminded about how fragile life is and that we need to make the most of our moments. I know, firsthand, what it is like to race from one commitment to another with very few moments to stop and think and forget getting the rare moment to myself. There are many days I long for even five minutes of quiet. But days like today make me feel differently.

My days are often spent racing around to get Matthew together for school, Benjamin ready for his day, and myself ready to head to work (not necessarily by myself but somedays I feel like it is all on me). After Matthew leaves for school, and Benjamin and I get ready it's a race to get Benjamin to daycare and me to work. I know that I need to work and I know that I help others through the work that I do (and that is important to me) but I feel like I miss so much.

Today I was blessed with the rare opportunity to just sit and watch my kids play together after Matthew got home from school. It was such a joy to let them play for such a long time and for me to sit and listen to them as they defended the base from the invading monsters. Today was a rare moment when we could relax and not have to worry about where we had to be next (since we no longer have football in the evenings). It was such an unbelievable blessing.

It makes me realize that I spend too much time worrying about everything there is to be done and all the ways we tend to overcommit ourselves. I pray that I can take the time to enjoy these moments and even create some of these moments for my family when I get the opportunity.

So while today started as a day to mourn it ended up as a day that made me celebrate my life. Thank you Lord for all of the blessings in my life and the opportunities I have to spend time with some pretty incredible people.

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