Thursday, November 25, 2010


"Thou hast given so much to me,
Give one thing more, - a grateful heart;
Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
As if Thy blessings had spare days,
But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise."
~George Herbert

How many times do I only want to be thankful when it is convenient for us? Am I only willing to be thankful when I get my own way? Shamefully I have to say I am thankful only when it is convenient.

Too many times I am angry and unsatisfied with Tim when we do not see eye-to-eye and often I am upset with my children when they do not listen. But during this Thanksgiving day and throughout the holidays I am often reminded of how thankful I am to have these three men in my life and it makes me sad to think of the number of times I complain about something to do with them when it seems inconvenient to me.

Tim is my strength. He has a giving heart and he is very loving. Too many times I do not give him credit when he does something special or "out of the norm" because I am caught up in my own human skin wondering why people are not noticing everything I do.

Matthew and Benjamin are such bright, vibrant boys. They are both intelligent and intuitive. They can always say the right thing at the right time if I choose to listen to them. They are always there with a well-placed hug or a random "I love you mom!"

So today, this day of Thanksgiving, I am thankful to have such wonderful men in my life. I pray that I will choose to acknowledge and recognize the efforts they put forth and be more loving towards them.

I am thankful for these blessings that I do not deserve!

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