Friday, October 22, 2010

I Am Blessed!

“The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.” ~Eric Hoffer 
This week caused me to think a lot about blessings. I had a rather profound discussion with one of my students this week. He was intent on trying to convince me that there was such a thing as luck. He claimed that his team was unlucky when they lost a big game on a rare error, etc. I challenged him and told him that while I may throw out a reference to being lucky or unlucky on occasion, believing in being lucky or unlucky is a lot like superstition to me. I would rather believe that God has a plan for me and it will be laid out in His plan. That means that sometimes things are going to seem to go my way while other times they will not. It may mean sever heartache while at other times it will mean abounding joy.
So I challenged my student by posing my belief to him in this way. If I believed in being lucky or unlucky I would have to say that Livia was unlucky to have been born with MPS3A and my family was unlucky to have had a child with MPS3A born into it. I told my student that I could never say any such thing because Livia has been one of the greatest blessings to many people. Jacob and Kelly have started a foundation in Livia's name to educate and raise awareness; that, in an of itself, is a huge blessing. It has also caused us to pull together as a family and dig deep down into our beliefs and hold tight to our faith. I realize what Livia's diagnosis means for her and my family. In fact, having recently found out that I am a carrier of the MPS gene, I have received a "crash course" in what that may mean for our family. So after this conversation my student sat and thought and said he would have to agree that one cannot solely put everything into being lucky or unlucky and rather he would have to think of things in a different light now. I guess, maybe someday, he will feel blessed when things go his way and wait for things to be different when things are not going as he planned.
On another note, this week marked another year of life for me. While some people may not think that a birthday is a big deal once you are over 20-something, I find it to be a blessing. It is not that I think that everyone should stop what they are doing and celebrate my life, it is just that I feel like it is a blessing to have been granted another year. Some really cool things happened this year. My family (mom, dad, brothers, etc.) experienced it first, real family vacation (which meant we were not visiting a fairgrounds nor were we staying in a relative's home) and I took my first plane trip to visit family in L.A. and really, really enjoyed it. Are those the only cool things that happened this year? No, but both of those things were really "big" as far as happenings go. I cannot claim that this was my best year ever but it was another year of life with my family and that means far more than any party I will ever be thrown in my name on this earth.

Monday, October 11, 2010


"The family - that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, nor, in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish to." ~Dodie Smith

There are a lot of people I know that do not want to live as close to their parents as Tim and I do. I find that a little sad but I also understand the feeling.

Living close to our parents means they have access to us at almost any given time. That has its advantages. If we need help with the kids we have someone to call; like the last couple of days Matthew was out of school and he was either going to have to go to work with me or I was going to have to stay home during a busy time at work. Likewise, if they need help with something, we can be there for them. For example, twice recently I was able to help out both sets of parents. A few weekends ago my parents were out of town; I was able to take my Grandma to an important appointment. That benefitted them and me because I got some really great time with my Grandma but they were able to enjoy another activity and I was very glad for them. Just last week I was able to be there for Tim's grandmother after she fell and ended up in the E.R. Another family member was on the way but I happened to be right down the block from the E.R. when I heard the news. I was very glad to be able to help because, after all, that is what family is for, right?!

Now, here are the disadvantages. We are always here but so are they. That sounds terrible for me to say, right?! Let me explain. Being here means that I never have the advantage of spending 24/7 with my parents or Tim's. Someone always has to go home. Sure, my children can go spend the night but they do not have the advantage of getting many full days of fun with the grandparents. What I mean to say is, we and our parents still have obligations here. When my brothers come with their families or Amy and Ryan come, they have the advantage of spending a lot of time with our parents in their homes. Likewise, when my parents go for a visit, my brother's families get them for extended periods without my parents having to run off to do something else (like take care of an animal).

So while it seems I may have the advantage of proxmimity I also have the curse of proximity. Regardless, I will be thankful for the time I have with our parents as far too often I am reminded of the fact that far too often the time is up before it seems it even begins.